Adrian Alexander - Consultant
There Is Hope!
It was while serving Justice-Involved men and lads that I came to appreciate the importance of understanding how their - and my own - childhood experiences shape our physical, mental, and behavioural health and our life choices. As I delved deeper into the study of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma, I began to see a pattern that was supported by the discussions I had with these men and lads.
My studies in this area from 2007 to 2016 culminated in attaining a Certificate in Community and Workplace Traumatology. Since 2017 therefore, I have been committed to using this information to help persons understand that there is nothing "wrong" with them, per se. Rather, there may have been incidents that happened to them directly or which they witnesses and which have impacted them in various ways. Most importantly, the message to them is that "There is HOPE" - to be healed, to be whole, and to overcome their challenges through strategies and interventions that can Instil Hope and Build Resilience.
This work has seen me advocate strongly for Trauma-Informed approaches in the area of responding to Human Trafficking and for them to be applied to reduce repeated incidents of criminal behaviour, including sexual and gender-based violence. I believe that the available global research is strong enough to be able to suggest that the justice system would be more effective to help promote a safer society if it is completely overhauled to be trauma-informed and therapeutic in focus. Such approaches would identify the causes of offending behaviour, treat them, and instil Hope in offenders while equipping them to thrive. Similarly, such approaches would appreciate the harm suffered by crime survivors, address the harm and build Resilience and Hope for them to thrive.
In 2021, therefore, I embarked upon an initiative to form the ACEs Caribbean Community, an online community of like-minded Hope Builders. We are persons who understand the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Adult Trauma, and many of our society's challenges. Through the medium of the ACEs Caribbean Community, we are working towards building greater Resilience and Hope in our region.
So if you are concerned about the state of the Caribbean and want to be part of the solution to social issues which impact our children, families, and nations, please join the ACEs Caribbean Community! It is FREE to join and we guarantee that you will learn a LOT to help yourself, your loved ones, and your clients.